I absolutely loved doing this profile! I think it came out really well too! Dante and I were messaging about this one over minimail, e-mail and his smartphone. @_@ Isn't he a cutie? I saw his picture and was all "D'aaaaaaaaaaw!" But, do not be thrown off! Just like a pikachu, Dante's one seriously awesomely epic dude.
This Profile originally did come with a background too, but I didn't want to put it here on the site because I thought that it might mess up the post. Maybe when I'm not so lazy I'll go ahead and code it so that it can fit in the background of the post instead of the background of the page.

It's been a while since I've done a profile. I was adding more items to my wantslist and it made me realize that I have to get back into it again. I did quit one of my jobs (So now I formally have one job), but I am going to school full time this winter. So, instead of having 2 full time jobs, 1 online job, and full time school I get uh... 2 jobs + school? Wait. How does that solve anything??? Haha!

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